The Fire Protection Podcast: Episode #74 – The Lithium-Ion Battery Fire Crisis: Amerex’s Strategies for Protection and Prevention - Inspect Point

The Fire Protection Podcast: Episode #74 – The Lithium-Ion Battery Fire Crisis: Amerex’s Strategies for Protection and Prevention

Episode Summary:

In this episode of the Fire Protection Podcast, host Drew Slocum talks with Ben Pitts and Jamie Knowles of Amerex, the world's leading fire extinguisher manufacturer, about lithium-ion battery fires and the challenges of putting them out. They discuss the importance of using the right fire extinguisher for the job and highlight some of the latest trends in fire protection, including the growing popularity of gas detection systems for electric vehicles.

Full Transcript:

Drew Slocum: Welcome to episode 74 of the Fire Protection Podcast, powered by Inspect Point. Today's guests are Ben Pitts and Jamie Knowles from Amerex, the number one fire extinguisher manufacturer worldwide. We recorded this episode last quarter, but it's still relevant, especially concerning fire extinguishers and lithium-ion battery protection.

We had a great conversation about the challenges of putting out lithium-ion battery fires and the importance of using the right fire extinguisher. Ben and Jamie also provided updates on some of the latest trends in fire protection, including the growing popularity of gas detection systems for electric vehicles.

Before we get started, I want to encourage you to comment or message me on LinkedIn or YouTube with any topics you'd like to see covered in future episodes. We have a lot of great content planned for 2025, but we're always looking for new ideas.

Drew Slocum: Hey Ben, hey Jamie, how are you doing?

Ben Pitts: Good Drew, how have you been?

Jamie Knowles: Good Drew, good to see you.

Drew Slocum: It's been a while since I last saw you guys. I think it was maybe in New Orleans or at the NFPA conference.

Jamie Knowles: Maybe NFPA, one or the other.

Drew Slocum: I'm not sure I'll be going back to New Orleans anytime soon after those incidents that happened. It was rough.

Jamie Knowles: Yeah, it can be a bit dicey, but also a lot of fun.

Drew Slocum: Yeah, great town, great food, great culture, great music. What have you guys been up to lately? Any big conferences this fall?

Ben Pitts: We had a FEMA quarterly meeting that was supposed to be on the west coast of Florida, but it got canceled due to the hurricane damage. It's been rescheduled for early December in Nashville.

Jamie Knowles: We were at Calaf the weekend before that in California. I did an ho

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