In just a few weeks Inspect Point will be arriving in Las Vegas for the National Fire Protection Association’s (NFPA) conference & expo – one of the worlds largest Fire and Life Safety events! This will be held in the Mandalay Bay Convention Center from the 11th – 14th of June, that time will be full of speaking engagements, exhibitions and community activities all centered around the industry!
Where & When to Find Inspect Point
You’ll be able to find Inspect Point at exhibit space 608 – located to the left of the massive convention hall when walking through the entrance. More specifically right around the NFPA Membership Lounge. There you will be able to find Dustin and I giving attendees quick looks at our fire protection inspection software! We will also be doing a giveaway for an iPad, so do be sure to drop by to at least throw your name in the hat!
The hours for the expo slightly vary with the grand opening beginning Monday at 2:45 pm and ending at 6:00 pm. Then on Tuesday going from 10:00 am – 4:00 pm followed with our final day going from that same 10:00 am start time and ending a bit earlier at 2:30 pm. Plenty of time to drop by shake some hands, have some laughs, and see just if Inspect Point is something for you and your company. Along with us, you’ll be able to find our trusted partners NUVO Solutions as well at exhibit 608 (more to come).
We are looking forward to the NFPA conference and we hope you are to! It should be a great informative event that will be able to shine light on the direction this highly important industry is heading. Certainly the place to be for all within the fire protection and life safety industry.
And hey, if you don’t feel like waiting to check out Inspect Point in Vegas feel free to book a demo and we’ll give you a call right away to set up 20 minute showing done over the computer!
Book a Demo