Keep Your Company on Track for Success
Running a fire protection company isn’t for the faint of heart. Servicing fire suppression systems in residential properties and commercial properties is one of the most important jobs there is. If a fire alarm or fire sprinkler doesn’t work when it needs to, the stakes are higher than just bad reviews. But we also know we need to worry about our administration and our scheduling in addition to our technicians.
So what can you do to make sure that you’re running your fire protection company as efficiently as possible? Well, we’re glad you asked! Keep reading to learn our tips for keeping you on track.

4 Tips for Keeping Your Fire Protection Company on Track
No matter what kind of business you’re running, it’s important to run it efficiently. But when there are lives on the line you need to make sure there’s no room for mistakes! Here are our 4 tips for keeping your fire safety company on track for success.

1. Kick the Paper Habit to the Curb
Fire protection systems don’t have room for error, so neither should your filing system. The unfortunate truth is that keeping all of your work on paper leaves too many chances for error. The only way to make sure you never lose that piece of paper with a contact’s name or your next appointment is to go digital! Inspect Point gives you that ability by putting all of your contacts, jobs, and technicians all in the same digital space

2. Keep your Administration and Technicians on the Same Page
Human error is inevitable, but in our business it’s unacceptable. Never let your technicians make a mistake on when or where they need to be. Likewise, you need to keep your administration on the same page. Inspect Point allows your administrative staff to schedule and dispatch technicians from their computer. Our technicians are as good as it gets, but removing the opportunity for error will keep their records of success at 100%.

3. Make Communication Happen Instantly
Time is money. We’ve all heard that one before, and when you run a company, you know how true it is. So why would you ever waste time with communication between your technicians in the field and your office? Inspect Point allows you to view inspection reports as soon as they’re completed. That means your office can start working on scheduling services and repairs before your technician has even left the site.

4. Always Know Where Every Worker Is and Needs to Be
Keeping your eyes on everything is difficult. Knowing which worker is at what site, what site needs service, what needs scheduling, it’s enough to make your head spin. Inspect Point puts all of this and more right in the palm of your hands. Inspect Point makes it easy to keep track of what needs to be scheduled, what needs to be done, and where everyone is. It also allows you to more easily organize your company, making you more efficient over time.
Put Control in the Palm of Your Hands

The importance of your fire protection services company can never be understated. So it’s important not to undersell yourself by sticking to old habits. Inspect Point software puts the power of seeing every aspect of your company into the palm of your hands, literally.
If you want to see how Inspect Point can revolutionize the way that you run your fire protection company, visit our website and request a demo today.